Decision Intelligence for Pricing

Decision Intelligence for pricing

Profitable growth through consistent, focused and AI-optimized pricing.

Inconsistent pricing is undermining your profitability

Although you have a pricing strategy, you're not the only one ending up with inconsistent pricing.

Most organizations also have a hard time to get the right insights, and almost none have the tools to have visibility on the decision process and to get sales onboard to drive a consistent pricing strategy.

No wonder 50% of the companies leave money on the table by ineffective pricing (Bain &  Company)

AI for pricing

Advantages of  decision intelligence for pricing

✓ Insights into the pricing inconsistency and the value you can unlock

✓ Top recommendations to fight these inconsistencies while driving profit and revenue

✓ Activate the sales team with relevant top recommendations (impact, easy to sell, no negative business impact) and context increasing the negotiation power.

✓ Capture feedback (team and data) and keep improving



extra profit for every 5% price increase

Up to +5%

in revenue

per week you don't act for every €100M in revenue
success rate, by far the highest of all AI-projects.

Crossing the chasm between pricing and sales

Without having the sales team on-board, you might end up with averse effects versus your pricing strategy.

We help you to build this bridge such that sales become a benefiting partner in rolling out the business and pricing strategy.



► Translating the pricing & business strategy into operational sales actions

► Creating a rhythm of continuous improvement

Pricing Team

► Having visibility and control over price inconsistencies.

► Making smart price changes with a limited impact on the volume.

Sales Team

► Which top actions should be recommended to sales: relevant, impact, low chance it impacts the business

► Need negotiating power: what is a fair price, insight in the likeliness of churning, best cross-sells, etc.

Decision Intelligence for pricing

Profitable growth through consistent, focused and AI-optimized pricing.

Continuous improvement


► How inconsistent is our pricing today?

► Where in the decision process do we see opportunities to improve?

► How much return can we get from the pricing opportunities?


► Engineer an improved decision process, which helps to translate the business strategy into operational decision support

► Empowering the sales team with top price impacting actions and insights that will help them to achieve their targets faster


► Leveraging feedback from data and the expertise of the pricing team, and the expertise and customer insight form the sales team.

► Decision Intelligence makes you agile as you can improve the decision process and underlying algorithms.

► Learn. Adapt. Improve.

Driving operational execution of your business & pricing strategy

► Price performance

► Potential impact In Euros

► Concrete top recommendations for sales with contextual information and alternatives.

► Feedback loop for continuous improvement

A solution that benefits all

General Management

► Deliver Predictive Sales tools to drive profitable growth

► Create a dynamic of value-based selling

Pricing Team 

► Actively manage the price performance

► Visibility and Control

► Drive towards standardization

► Possibility to optimize on pricelist level instead of item/product

Product Management

► Insights into the products which seems to have lower than expected perceived value

Sales Team

►Becomes more efficient and effective to achieve their business goals
► Receive only the top recommendations to increase revenue (and driving your strategic goals)

►Increases their negotiating power versus the buyers with all the insights they receive

Top recommendations and insights can also be part of your existing CRM

Marketing Team 

► Insights into data driven customer segments

► Personalized offers and communication

► Top targeted campaigns that will help to achieve the strategic goals


► Personalized offers

► Top targeted campaigns that will help to achieve the strategic goals

In short

It is a challenge when you cannot manage your decisions properly.

Use Decision Intelligence to improve how the pricing strategy is implemented in your organization to ensure that the 'price-related' decisions are always in line with the business objectives.

We can improve this with our Decision Intelligence platform by bridging the gap between pricing and sales, resulting in more consistent pricing and targeted recommendations, and more bargaining power for sales.